as i approach my mid-20s (and by "approach" I mean turning 25 in 8 months), i can't help but wonder what
exactly i'm meant to do in this life. yeah yeah, i'm a tried and true millenial who dreams big and wants to be doing things that interest me instead of doing something because it's "the right thing to do," but the question is, what's the balance between the right thing and the dreams? i think part of the whole millenial generation is striving to be interesting; have a "cool" job and an amazing life with lots of activities and friends. facebook is an enormous contributor to the broadcast of everyone's uber interesting lives; everyone talking about their "amazing" experiences via pictures, links, posts, friends, etc. which can be totally over the top in a lot of cases. some people i know are just fabricating this so-called "awesome" life of theirs, but some people actually are just downright interesting; not even doing the extreme sports or traveling to exotic places, but just have interests and things about them that i just want to hear more about. i'd like to be one of
these interesting people. i think part of what makes them so interesting is that they're found what they like and they're passionate about it. sure it wasn't all easy finding these things, but it has essentially shaped who they are and who they aspire to be. in order to discover things that interest you, you need to take risks and so often people find ease in comfort and aren't willing to take risks. i found this article by fabian kruse on one of my favorite blogs and thought it had some truth to it.
"Interestingness is finding the experiences that shape us as human beings, and enjoying them to the max."
so true. but finding these experiences takes courage and being uncomfortable. so as i'm in this "looking forward to the new year 2011" kick, why not think about how to ramp up my life with a little excitement and do something different? not sure what that is, but taking risks and trying new things could definitely be on the menu (see last post of "things to do in 2011"). i'm all for trying out a new hobby, or seeing if i could get into bowling, or read all j.r.r. tolkein books again just for kicks, or meeting some crazy different people etc. it's especially easy to feel not that interesting in freezing, dark winter months, but i'm determined to do something different and add a little pizazz to these cold days! like climbing another mountain in british columbia perhaps? that was fun. or just knitting a blanket in my little apartment. that would be fun too. if you want to read the whole article, check it out