- go to the walker art museum with a good new playlist to listen to while walking around.
- watch "breakfast at tiffany's" with a glass of wine.
- LOTR marathon some rainy weekend day- all 3 extended versions.
- go to the museum of russian art.
- knit a blanket.
- bike to minnehaha falls.
- explore redwing, mn.
- practice bar chords on guitar.
- attend free concerts at peavey plaza.
- lose 50 lbs. (but more importantly get in shape).
- bike more.
- practice watercolor often.
- cook more; actual meals from a cookbook.
- see noni often.
- play an ongoing game of risk (it'll have to be lord of the rings risk because that's all i have).
- try spinning class.
- read more books.
- have a picnic in an unexpected place around the city.
- go hike around lake superior for a weekend.
- go to church on sundays.
- find some place to volunteer on a monthly basis.
- frequent the new psycho suzi's.
- be part of a flash mob.
- eat more fruits and vegetables.
- attend an opera.
- can often (and in-season!)
- bake bread.
- make someone dad's waffles (if i ever get a waffle iron, that is).
- drink less beer, but try new cocktails.
- maybe fall in love? i dunno. we'll see what fate has in store for that one.
- climb to the top of the foshay tower.
- spend less, save more.
- use my 1930's punch bowl as much as i can.
- bowl a turkey.
- play "amelie" on the piano all the way through.
- spend a day lying on my back listening to records and laughing with a friend.
- figure out some more linford detweiler songs.
- paddle board around lake of the isles.
- go dancing. not clubbing, but dancing.
- ski the luminary loppet.
- memorize some classic poems (other than "the cremation of sam mcgee").
- get a led zeppelin record.
- run a 10k.
- have an epic gin rummy and/or cribbage tournament.
- get outside as much as possible (after all, nothing beats fresh air).

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